Resistance Push Piers

Resistance Piers or commonly referred to as Push Piers are a great solution if your home or building is experiencing differential foundation settlement.  With the installation of Push Piers on your home, you can lift, level, and permanently stabilize the foundation of your home.

Push Pier Installation Process

Push piers consist of galvanized steel brackets that are mounted to the bottom of your foundation’s footing. Using a large hydraulic ram and the weight of the home, a galvanized steel pier is then driven or pushed through the bracket until the pier reaches load bearing soil. All the piers are driven or pushed until they meet the load requirements and are approved by the engineer of record. Once all the piers are installed, we are ready to lift and level the foundation. Using a synchronized hydraulic lifting system, the foundation is then lifted and leveled, restoring the foundation back to a more desired elevation. After the lift is completed and the work is approved by the local building inspector, the lifting system is removed, and holes are backfilled.

Benefits of Push Piers

Montana Piering and Concrete Lifting works closely with local structural engineers to make sure you have the best engineered foundation repair plan.  Engineers utilize galvanized push piers to provide the most cost-effective repair to your foundation.

Galvanized push piers are 100% field load tested during the installation process.  This means that we will know exactly what each galvanized Push Pier will be capable of supporting.  During the leveling process we will then confidently know what our installation factor of safety is.  Typical factor of safeties will be at 1.5 and above.

Contact us today for a free inspection and estimate